
RDP only works while a monitor is attached to the host

za flag

Ubuntu Server 22.04 with lightdm and GNOME. RDP only works while a monitor is attached to the host. Doesn't RDP initiate a whole other separate session (like in Windows Server), or is this basically remote control into the physical console? Having to have a monitor attached to a server that's not going to be physically touched defeats the purpose of even needing RDP. What gives?

Terrance avatar
id flag
Possible settings:
Edward A. Ludwig avatar
za flag
Definitely not an authentication issue. Feb 9 10:23:36 edsitvmsvr01 gnome-remote-de[5898]: Failed to record monitor: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Unknown monitor Feb 9 10:23:36 edsitvmsvr01 gnome-remote-desktop-daemon[5898]: [10:23:36:002] [5898:6710] [INFO][com.freerd[10:23:36:017] [5898:5898] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core] - rdp_set_error_info:freerdp_set_last_>Feb 9 10:23:36 edsitvmsvr01 gnome-shell[2095]: Failed to store clipboard: Remote selection transfer was cancelled
Terrance avatar
id flag
You will need to configure a dummy monitor then:
Edward A. Ludwig avatar
za flag
I've seen and reviewed many posts about doing this, and they all say that once you do this, you can't use a physical monitor. I might be abandoning Ubuntu and going back to Windows. This is one of the most basic necessities for administering a system, and it doesn't work...LOL Why would anyone choose this OS on purpose?
Terrance avatar
id flag
So, you don't or do want a monitor on your server?
Terrance avatar
id flag
Honestly, there really isn't a reason for a monitor or a GUI on a server system. There are many other ways of configuring a server. One is using webmin that allows you to configure and monitor a server through a web interface. You also have command line configurations through SSH. I have a video server here that runs Plex and it also is my OpeVPN connection into my house and there is no monitor on it as I don't need one.
Edward A. Ludwig avatar
za flag
I want the option of remoting in (this will be 90% of the time), or logging into the physical console when (the other 10%). Just like I could/would do with any other OS.
Terrance avatar
id flag
You have your options. You need to decide then why exactly you want to use Linux / Ubuntu as your server. Either A) you plug in a monitor to the system so that the GUI has dimensions you can use. B) use a "fake" monitor to give dimensions to the desktop. One thing you need to remember is that Linux is Free in both Freedom to do what you want with it, but you do need to learn it, and it is also Free as in no charge to you. Comparing it to Windows or the Mac OS are wrong because they are closed OSes with paid people. Linux is very much community driven by many people that are not paid.
Edward A. Ludwig avatar
za flag
I realize Linux is free, but with the amount of Linux fanboying I see EVERYWHERE I thought it was actually something I might switch over to. I have a crappy old monitor plugged into it now. I wanted to use my HDMI switch to be able to switch over to the physical console, but I guess that's out of the question.
Edward A. Ludwig avatar
za flag
20 years ago I played with Linux, and honestly, stuff like this worked better. I remember using Hummingbird Exceed and and it was amazing...and I didn't have to jump thru hoops to get it working. I'm going to try to hang in there with it. I went with Ubuntu because of it's popularity, and figured getting help would be easier than other distros. I guess the buggy bloat of Ubuntu maybe negates that ease.
Edward A. Ludwig avatar
za flag
Had to break comments up because of the txt chr limits, even the Forum Software is annoying.
Edward A. Ludwig avatar
za flag
RE: "Honestly, there really isn't a reason for a monitor or a GUI on a server system." Try creating a VM from scratch using vboxmanage from the command line and then tell me no GUI is needed. I tried no GUI for 2 week before giving in. All RemoteBox did for me was crash my system. So I abandoned that.
Terrance avatar
id flag
This is for headless installs: It is totally possible. That is how I setup my PiHole on my Raspberry Pi without a monitor. You can always use other systems or console connections to go through installs. By the way, I have worked in Data Centers for the last 13 years now and all of our server installs are done headless.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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