
Alt+Space window menu to be circular

au flag

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 with kernel 5.15.0-60-generic. I would like to be able to press Up and highlight Close when I press Alt+Space in any window in Ubuntu desktop.

How can I achieve this?

FedKad avatar
cn flag
What's wrong with the standard Alt+F4 keyboard shortcut?
Tom avatar
au flag
my hands are not that big....
RonJohn avatar
cn flag
I just tried that (using Xubuntu 20.04) and what you describe works perfectly.
RonJohn avatar
cn flag
"my hands are not that big". Use your left hand to press the chord.
ca flag

This behavior cannot currently be changed by the end user, because this is how GNOME developers have decided that the Window menu (aka Alt+Space menu) should work. There is a feature request for this option and a merge request, so this might get implemented at some point.

Until the feature is implemented, I would suggest that you use a keyboard shortcut instead of Alt+Space → press → press Enter, as it can be much easier and faster to close a window this way (just one instead of three keyboard actions).

To add a shortcut you can do the following:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Keyboard.
  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click View and Customize Shortcuts.
  4. Click Windows.
  5. Click Close window.
  6. In the Set Shortcut window that pops up hit the shortcut of your choice, for example Super+X, and click Set (by default this shortcut is set to Alt+F4, but Super+X should be very close to Alt+Space in terms of fingers stretching).

You will now be able to hit Super+X to close the focused window. Personally, I have set this shortcut to Super+Q and it's very convenient.

Tom avatar
au flag
@BasicOfCaerbannog Thank you very much. I will give them a try!
BeastOfCaerbannog avatar
ca flag
@Tom No problem! :D
RonJohn avatar
cn flag
Alt-Space <up-arrow> <Enter> works perfectly in Xfce (which relies on GTK3).
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