
Getting the Raspberry Camera V3 (IMX708) to work on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

id flag

I recently purchased a Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 (IMX708) for my new ROS2 robot project. I managed to get the camera working with the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS quite easily. However, I have been struggling to get it to work with Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. (I am using a Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB, by the way)

I tried compiling libcamera and libcamera-apps according to Raspberry Pi's documentation ( and was able to install them successfully that way.

However, when I tried to use the libcamera-hello command, it errored out saying that no cameras were available.

I also tried an old Raspberry Pi Camera V1.3 (OV5647) but got the same error.

Any help or advice would be highly appreciated.

Rui P avatar
bz flag
I have same problem. But with RPI 3. After install libcamera-tools. libcamera: command not found.
gb flag

I think you should compile imx708.dtbo for firmware overlays and compile imx708.ko for kernel module to let raspberry pi camera module v3 work on ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04 .

I'v tried it on ubuntu 20.04 but the kernel is too old to compile the kernel module imx708.ko.

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