
Failed to start thermal deamon service and Failed to start CUPS service. Failed: READ FPDMA queued

lb flag

I am getting a couple of error/failed messages while starting Ubuntu. It was working fine, but suddenly it got shutdown. When I restarted it was taking time, but it was not able to start and then after some time I got error messages.

Failed to start thermal daemon service
Failed to start CUPS service. 
Failed: READ FPDMA queued. 

and a couple more. I am not sure what these mean. How can I start the laptop?

enter image description here

David avatar
cn flag
First what version of Ubuntu are you using? Second it appears you OS has corrupted. What caused the shut down?
David avatar
cn flag
The 3 rd error down is a hard drive problem. Yes serious either the hard drive has failed or as I said the OS is corrupted.
ASD avatar
lb flag
I was using Chrome and it suddenly shut down. I have no idea why it shut down. I had restored the database earlier. It was done without any problem and after that, I used chrome and then it got shut down. I am using the 22.04 version of Ubuntu.
David avatar
cn flag
With no warning and a sudden shut down like that more info that says HD failed.

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