Often times when creating an Ubuntu Linux image, rather than giving an administrator root access, a new user is created with root privileges. Let's call this new user "root_2".
# adduser root_2
Adding user `root_2' ...
Adding new group `root_2' (1002) ...
Adding new user `root_2' (1002) with group `root_2' ...
Creating home directory `/home/root_2' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
# usermod -aG sudo root_2
# su - root_2
# grep '^sudo' /etc/group
Above code - see reference:
Now suppose you want to exclude interaction of a particular folder, meaning root_2 cannot read, write, execute or view anything with that folder. Because root_2 has so many privileges, I'm sure there are back door ways to get access to that folder, even if you restrict folder access. Perhaps seeing indexes that exist of the file system. Or macros that root would normally have by default.
This seems like a simple question, but is there a way to truly protect the contents of a folder from user root_2? If so, please be exhaustive as you can for Ubuntu 21.04.