
Assigning IP addresses to eth0

ki flag

I'm totally new to both linux and pentesting. I'm following the HTB academy, but I'm stuck on assigning IP addresses to eth0 (enp1s0 on my machine).

I started with sudo ifconfig enp1s0 up, then assign the IP address with sudo ifconfig enp1s0

The machine doesn't give me any error codes, it accepts it, but then 'thinks' forever. I end having to force it to give up (after about 16 hours - I left it overnight). I've tried skipping that step and configuring the netmask and gateway IPs, but again it just continues 'loading' forever.

When I go into /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces, they're empty. I've tried configuring these files, it doesn't change the addresses when I run ip addr.

I've read the posts that said /etc/network/interfaces has moved to netplan, but the config file (/etc/netplan/config.yaml) is also empty. Adding the lines to that file also doesn't do anything. The only file that has anything in it is /etc/netplan/*yaml, the output is below. I tried changing the IP addresses and was somewhat successful, I told netplan to 'try' and it accepted the file, but timed out before I could press 'ok'. I tried to apply and again it thought about it for hours.


accept-ra: true

dhcp4: true

dhcp6: true


 macaddress: 56:00:04:64

set-name: enp1s0

I've tried adding the IP address with sudo ip addr add dev enp1s0. But when I try to delete the old IP address, the machine 'thinks' for hours.

I really have no idea where to go next. Please help!

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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