
Some mouse events are not being detected in a portion of the screen

gb flag

I have just upgraded to Ubuntu 23.04 and I ran into a very weird issue. Some mouse events, such as clicks and drags, are not being detected in a specific corner of the screen (top-right). But, for example, movement events are working fine and the cursor is shown. I have made a short video to show this behaviour:

I tried with both touchpad and mouse. If I attach an external monitor, the problem is still present in the primary screen, whatever it is. The external monitor is larger than the laptop's screen, and the non-working spot is not anymore in the corner but at the same distance that it would be on the laptop.

I am on an Asus N750JK. Kernel is 6.2.0-20. Everything worked fine before updating.

gb flag

The problem is related with the Ubuntu AppIndicator extension, which displays the applications extensions in the top-right corner. After disabling the extension and rebooting, the issue was no longer there.

tz flag

I have the exact same issue. The top right screen clicks doesn't work. This includes mouse clicks on every app top right section like X button, minimize and maximize but even lower on chrome for example - can't add more than 6-7 tabs when it reaches the right section. tried on slack same issue clicks not working on top right section.

your file is deleted BTW. couldn't download.

Alessandro Roaro avatar
gb flag
mmm, at least I'm glad I'm not alone with this. I tried to rollback to the kernel that I was previously using, but the problem is still there
Alessandro Roaro avatar
gb flag
it seems that in order to report a bug on Ubuntu's Launchpad bug sections you need to specify a related package. How can we proceed?
uy flag

/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/appIndicator.js

So, simply make a backup of it - appIndicator.js.BAK = no more ugly indicators.

And don't forget to restart the machine/session for changes to take effect ;)

just rename that .js file and restart. the caveat is you lose the app indicators in the top right corner but the area is now clickable.

I terminated to the path, did an ls to make sure the appindicator.js file was there and did a sudo mv appIndicator.js appIndicator.bak

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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