
USB install of Ubuntu 18.04 server, UART issue

io flag

When the U18.04 installer loads onto system, its kernel lacks DMA driver for the 8250 UART device, and no interactive console messages are visible, so I cannot complete the installation. The missing UART DMA as a root cause was discovered when tried different distros on same system, where it all went well. How can I add a driver to installer image? System is Intel Atom P5000 SOC. Thanks!

guiverc avatar
cn flag
Why are you trying to install a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS system? It was named 18.04 because it was released in 2018-April (ie. a *year.month* format is used) and had 5 years of *standard* support; ie. is supported until 2023-April. Why install a system that's got mere days of *standard* support left?
Eyal Cohen avatar
io flag
Thank you, @guiverc. The reason for choosing 18.04 LTS server is because it is the base version of a distro of a customer of ours, who wishes to integrate its application / product on our Intel Atom P5000 platform. This is in fact a smart NIC with Atom cores on it, and an integrated legacy 8250 UART device. I'm not sure if later LTS release would behave differently. Will try to verify.
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