
Install CD burner on Try Ubuntu

bt flag

Is it possible to install a CD-ROM burner when running Ubuntu from the installation media as "Try Ubuntu"

I have tried with apt instal brasero k3b etc. and none was possible to locate.

The reason for my request is that I want to generate some "secret" signing keys, and store a backup on a CD-ROM to store in a safe. And I need to do it next week.

David avatar
cn flag
If try works why not install it? Add the software and make the keys and delete what ever it is you think you need to delete.
bt flag
The idea is that the procedure should be monitored by several developers, to ensure that the secret keys do not get cloned. Thus I'm not really interested in installing anything.
jp flag

When running Ubuntu Desktop live 'Try Ubuntu', the repository universe must be added

sudo add-apt-repository universe

and then you can install the burners

sudo apt update
sudo apt install brasero k3b

You may want a persistent live system (optional), that you can make with mkusb.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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