
How to use a bash command as a custom shortcut?

cn flag

I have a command to turn on/off a touchpad (that works in terminal):

param_name=TouchpadOff; touchpadoff_value=$(synclient -l | awk -v param_name=$param_name '$1==param_name {print $(NF)}'); (( tmp_value =  $touchpadoff_value - 1 )); synclient TouchpadOff=${tmp_value#-}

and I'd like to set it as a custom shortcut.

I tried to use sh -c:

sh -c "param_name=TouchpadOff; touchpadoff_value=$(synclient -l | awk -v param_name=$param_name '$1==param_name {print $(NF)}'); (( tmp_value =  $touchpadoff_value - 1 )); synclient TouchpadOff=${tmp_value#-}"

but it still didn't work properly - it was able to only turn on the touchpad.

I was also trying to add quoting marks for variables ("$param_name") but it changed nothing.

Where am I mistaken?
I'd like not to create any script containing the command.

waltinator avatar
it flag
`sh` is a link to `/bin/dash`, a simpler shell which doesn't understand the `$(...)` construction. Use `bash -c ...`.
in flag
That is the point! You should have delivered this as a solution!
hr flag
`dash` understands `$(...)` just fine - it's [part of the POSIX specification]( It's the bare arithmetic expression `((...))` that's the problem.
maciejwww avatar
cn flag
Ye, `bash -c` hasn't worked as well.
cn flag

I tried to debug the command, so I created a script containing it, made it executable (chmod +x and run debugging mode: sh -x

I got:

+ param_name=TouchpadOff
+ synclient -l
+ awk -v param_name=TouchpadOff $1==param_name {print $(NF)}
+ touchpadoff_value=1
+ tmp_value = 1 - 1
mmm: 1: tmp_value: not found
+ synclient TouchpadOff=

and noticed the mathematical expression is a problem here.

So, I replaced it ((( tmp_value = $touchpadoff_value - 1 ))) with let tmp_value=$touchpadoff_value-1.

Unfortunately, let doesn't work with sh and I used bash, and here is my working solution I pasted as the custom shortcut's command:

bash -c "param=TouchpadOff; touchpadoff_value=$(synclient -l | awk -v param_name=$param '$1==param_name {print $(NF)}'); let tmp_value=$touchpadoff_value-1; synclient TouchpadOff=${tmp_value#-}"
in flag
I tried the original commands (put one command per line to the file ``) in order to try out `bash -x ./`. The debug output showed me that `TouchpadOff` toggles its value between 0 and 1 and the touchpad toggles between enabled and disabled. Replacing the original line was not necessary. - Your solution was helpful for me because I could learn from it how to debug a script. The post taught me doing arithmetic enclosing expressions in in double parentheses like `(( <arith. expr.> ))`.
hr flag
You don't really need shell arithmetic here at all, just let awk do it for you i.e. print `$NF - 1` instead of `$NF`
na flag

You could try to make an alias. Do: man alias to get helping the exact way. They are probably in: /home/[user]/.bashrc There is probably a complex example. An easy one is: alias ll='ls -alF'

pierrely avatar
cn flag
and in the shortcut as bash -i -c "ll"
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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