
I'd like to run Ubuntu with btrfs subvolumes and the drive must be encrypted

za flag

I'd like to run Ubuntu on a encrypted drive. I'd also like to use btrfs subvolumes so I can use the super cool snapshot feature. The installer supports one or the other. I've tried doing an arch style install using debootstrap and I got most the way thru it but It wouldn't boot, I had some grub issues. Once I booted from the grub command line I got stuck in initramfs and never got asked for a password, maybe I didn't setup my crypttab right. I'm thinking of trying again with some more knowledge, I learned a lot despite the results. Chating with chatGTP it suggested doing the install with encryption. moving everything on root to the "@" subvolume and do the same with home to "@home". This might be easier but the I'm stuck with LVM I don't really want that. So I thought I'd ask here and maybe there is some way I'm not thinking of? Thanks

in flag
Silly question, but if it’s snapshots you’re looking for, why not use ZFS? Ubuntu has better tooling and support for that file system over Btrfs
Tom A. avatar
za flag
I like how btrfs works on my arch machine and I'd like the same functionality in ubuntu
Tom A. avatar
za flag
Also as far as zfs is concerned it's the same problem that you have to pick encryption or zfs not both.
za flag

The easiest way to get it done is to install 22.10. You can encrypt your partition and format it, then pick it in the installer for / and use other partitions for /boot and /boot/efi. Run the installer then before restarting chroot into the new install and set up a crypttap. This guide has the steps to do the install and chroot into the drive. You don't have to use LVM like in the guide and ignore the windows parts. Also then you do do-release-upgrade and your at 23.04.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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