
I need my Ubuntu 22.04 Profiles to lock after 20 unsuccessful attempts for a duration of 15 minutes

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If someone would be able to assist me in how to go about locking an Ubuntu 22.04 profile after 20 unsuccessful login attempts for a duration of 15 minutes with steps, that would be wonderful! Thanks in advance!

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The method to utilize this is via PAM, and specifically the faillock module. Here's how I made it work on mine (albeit I'm running 23.04, but I did check that the same module exists on 22.04):

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Make a backup of the file /etc/pam.d/common-auth for instance with issuing a command
sudo cp /etc/pam.d/common-auth /etc/pam.d/common-auth.original
  1. Open the file /etc/pam.d/common-auth in your favourite editor (and don't forget to use sudo!)
  2. As the first line right after # here are the per-package modules (the "Primary" block) add
auth    required   preauth audit deny=20 unlock_time=900
  1. As first two lines right after # here's the fallback if no module succeeds add
auth    [default=die]  authfail audit deny=20 unlock_time=900
auth    sufficient     authsucc audit deny=20 unlock_time=900

If you want to add a period during which the failed attempts are counted, the fail_interval=60 option will set a period of one (1) minute.

In my testing, I set the deny value to three (3) failed attempts and the unlock_time to 20 seconds , and after the required failed attempts I saw the following:

[18:50:59] /home/jaska/> su jjo
The account is locked due to 3 failed logins.
(1 minute left to unlock)

Hope this helps, further reading on the module:


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