
connect phone to laptop over bluetooth to use internet

us flag

I got a laptop running kubuntu 22.04 LTS, which is connected to a network over wifi. I would like to connect with my phone to my laptop over bluetooth to use the internet. Is that possible?

cn flag

Yes, and it is pretty straightforward: create a hotspot on the phone. Set a password for that hotspot. Connect to that hotspot from Ubuntu.

It should be usable to browse. Internet radio should work flawlessly. Watching video will depend on the video, your network and internet quality. It will be slow(ish).

jp flag

I got it work but it is very slow. The reason could be that I am not really a boffin in Linux. I switched on my mobile-phone via Tethering the Bluetooth connection on. I plugged in my desktop a Bluetooth dongle (Panda), installed the Bluetooth manager and it connected actually automatically.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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