
Problems with "no space left on device" on MergerFS fuse mount?

sa flag

I’ve created two 4gb sparse images to test mergerfs. I’ve formatted and mounted the sparse images via fstab, and they are writable. I then configured fstab to mount a mergerfs fuse drive. It mounts without error - or so it seems - but I can’t do anything with it. I get the following error:

Error while copying “file”. There was an error copying the file into /mnt/mergerfs. Error opening file "/mnt/mergerfs/file”: No space left on device

I’ve changes ownership and changed permissions on the mount. As I mentioned, I can copy data fine into the underlying data drives. I think there is an issue with the fuse mount, but I can’t figure out what it is. I’ve tried mounting as sudo and as user. I’ve also updated to the latest version of mergerfs. I’m on Ubuntu 2022.04.02.

The fstab entry is:

/mnt/disk1:/mnt/disk2 /mnt/mergerfs fuse.mergerfs cache.files=partial,dropcacheonclose=true,category.create=mfs 0 0

Perhaps the problem is disk1 and disk2 are btrfs-formatted sparse images for testing purposes, but I have also tried this in a VM with virtual disks and I’ve run into the same exact problem.

Any ideas how to fix this and get the mergerfs mount operational?

cn flag

two 4gb sparse images

The default value for minfreespace is 4G. Set it to something lower (like zero).

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