I don't think you are going to like my answer because my recommendation is to go in an entirely different direction.
[1] Stop using the file manager to create samba shares.
I would go to /var/lib/samba/usershares and delete all the files you have there. Each file is a share definition and although that will remove all your samba shares it will not impact anything else on your system.
[2] Then I would create a parent folder for these NTFS partitions that is NOT /media/maddie.
That folder has special permissions on it that allows only maddie access to what is under it.
Instead I would create something like /media/Storage:
sudo mkdir /media/Storage
Then I ( as in maddie ) would take possession of that folder:
sudo chown maddie /media/Storage
[2a] Missed a step. Create the mount point for each of the ntfs partitions. For example:
sudo mkdir /media/Storage/media-uno
[3] Then in fstab I would have these NTFS partitions mount under /media/Storage with maddie as owner.
For example:
Unmount media-uno:
sudo umount /media/maddie/media-uno
Change your fstab declaration from this:
UUID=98082E22082E003C /media/maddie/media-uno ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46,nosuid,nodev,nofail 0 1
To this:
UUID=98082E22082E003C /media/Storage/media-uno ntfs defaults,umask=007,uid=maddie,gid=46,nofail 0 0
Then remount it with this:
sudo mount -a
Verify you can access that partition locally before moving to the next step.
[4] Create a samba share of the /media/Storage folder directly in /etc/samba/smb.conf
I would recommend creating a guest accessible share first - we can make this more complicated if required. You do that by adding at the end of the smb.conf file the share definition that looks something like this:
path = /media/Storage
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
force user = maddie
Save the file then restart samba:
sudo service smbd restart
Then access the Storage share from your Windows machine. Eventually all these non system ntfs partitions will show up under the Storage share as you modify fstab for the remaining partitions.