
Download via pip and npm not working

vu flag

I am not able to download pip packages or npm packages via terminal. However my browser internet connection is working. I am not sure what is the issue.Please help me to fix it. I am using Ubuntu22.04

My python program takes almost 1 hr to run. Previously it takes less than a minute. Also when create a new react app it takes too much time to download the app.

Hannu avatar
ca flag
You have provided too little detail on what you actually are trying to achieve...
vivek avatar
vu flag
When i try to install any library package using pip or npm i am not able to download anything from terminal. However if i open the same library in browser i am able to download it. It takes too much of time to provide a error response. for example if i want to download pandas using pip or react library using npm it takes almost an hour to show the error output
vu flag

I found the issue. When i tried to ping any site using IPv4 i am able to connect to the site. If i ping the same site using IPV6 it stop after the first ping. so i disabled IPV6 in the system settings. After restarting now i am able to use pip and npm. IF any one know why its working in IPV4 and not working in IPV6 kindly explain.

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