
Ubuntu Studio 22.04.2 installed (full), want to switch from KDE Plasma desktop. What are my options?

cn flag

1 partition on 500gb ssd. I'd prefer Gnome or even XFCE but I suppose I'd have to use an older version of U.Studio. Can I install a desktop UI w/out installing a complete OS? Or must I reinstall a plain Ubuntu (Gnome) version and DL individual Studio packages, and the low-latency kernel which is key, and probably a tough install?

guiverc avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu Studio has an installer which works with all Ubuntu *flavors* (see so there is no need at downloading *individual Studio packages* you mention for Ubuntu Desktop, or any Ubuntu *flavor*. It's not a difficult install; being QA-tested for all *flavors* too. If it was me, I'd just add another desktop, but sorry I'm not an audio person & have limited experience with Ubuntu Studio (*and that's mainly testing installs!*), despite me having much experience switching desktops on installs (*alas without Ubuntu Studio components added*)
realself avatar
cn flag
Thanks for pointing this out: the Installer appears to make the low-latency kernel and other facets of Studio a seamless install. Based on the responses so far I'm going to have to reinstall a different flavor of Ubuntu and add Studio capabilities via this Installer. Letting KDE take up space on the SSD is pointless.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
My opinion is No you don't... The box I'm using now is Ubuntu Desktop (ie. GNOME); though installation media I used was Lubuntu's ISO thus I also have the Lubuntu/LXQt desktop, I've added Xubuntu/Xfce to it, plus of course Ubuntu's Desktop (GNOME) too.. ie. our systems can have more than a single DE installed.. however I don't create audio/video anything thus don't include Ubuntu Studio code on my used systems. I interact with Ubuntu Studio *devs* but mostly with regard installer (`calamares`) & *shared* code. I'd backup first, then try adding second desktop... you can also start clean later
realself avatar
cn flag
@guiverc I thank you for your clarification, it was starting to dawn on me that yes it was done, but I went ahead and reinstalled, as I would never have a reason to go back to KDE. However I may experiment with Xubuntu in time. And yes the Ubuntu Studio Installer worked a treat. Still loading stuff from there, thanks.
gt flag

you can install the desktop without a lot of packages by this command:

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop
realself avatar
cn flag
Thanks @talaat that may work for me but as I'm going to do a full reinstall I may as well get full functionality. For a side-install it would be ideal; I just don't want KDE on my system.
Talaat Etman avatar
gt flag
@realself `sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop`
realself avatar
cn flag
I went ahead and full-installed Ubuntu, as I will never use KDE. But thanks anyway, it's good to know those options. I will research "no-install-recommends" DE.

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