
"fuser -cu /mount_point" result shows many processes?

za flag

I wanted to change the mount point name from /hdd_ext to /data1. So I checked what processes are using that directory. (ref : But when i do `fuser -cu /hdd_ext/', I see so many somethings as below. They don't look like process IDs. I closed all the apps and opened only one terminal. How can I make those disappear??

ckim@ckim-ubuntu:~$ fuser -cu /hdd_ext/ /hdd_ext:
2584rce(ckim) 2590rce(ckim) 2592re(ckim) 2601re(ckim) 2618re(ckim) 2633re(ckim) 2640re(ckim) 2687re(ckim) 2707re(ckim) 2730re(ckim) 2734re(ckim) 2768re(ckim) 2781re(ckim) 2872re(ckim) 2886re(ckim) 2895re(ckim) 2896re(ckim) 2899rce(ckim) 2900rce(ckim) 2907rce(ckim) 2912rce(ckim) 2916rce(ckim) 2990re(ckim) 3037re(ckim) 3041re(ckim) 3042re(ckim) 3044re(ckim) 3046rce(ckim) 3058rce(ckim) 3063rce(ckim) 3068rce(ckim) 3077rce(ckim) 3085rce(ckim) 3095rce(ckim) 3099rce(ckim) 3104rce(ckim) 3113rce(ckim) 3119rce(ckim) 3126rce(ckim) 3133rce(ckim) 3137rce(ckim) 3139rce(ckim) 3172re(ckim) 3174re(ckim) 3175re(ckim) 3176re(ckim) 3177re(ckim) 3179re(ckim) 3182re(ckim) 3185re(ckim) 3186re(ckim) 3187re(ckim) 3192re(ckim) 3195re(ckim) 3199re(ckim) 3200re(ckim) 3210re(ckim) 3211re(ckim) 3221re(ckim) 3222re(ckim) 3286re(ckim) 3287re(ckim) 3288re(ckim) 3296re(ckim) 3309re(ckim) 3313re(ckim) 3393re(ckim) 3432re(ckim) 3588rce(ckim) 3591re(ckim) 5237rce(ckim) 12764rce(ckim) 48534re(ckim) 48541rce(ckim) 48546re(ckim) 48645re(ckim) 48654re(ckim)

cn flag

They are processes. The manpage on fuser explains the ce and cre:

c      current directory.
e      executable being run.
f      open file. f is omitted in default display mode.
F      open file for writing. F is omitted  in  default  display
r      root directory.
m      mmap'ed file or shared library.

so the e states "executable being run"

I closed all the apps and opened only one terminal.

That still leaves all the systemd services. If you want to find the source: use ps -ef | grep {pid} I expect those all to end up to the same type of event: a systemd service.

How can I make those disappear??

It is likely mounted from /etc/fstab and after you edit that the obvious thing to do is a reboot. That will kill all connections to the mount so there should be no need.

za flag
OK, I read from the ref link that I have to check before the umount command. Is it ok to edit fstab and just reboot? (the link showed umount and mount without rebooting..). I'll try it tomorrow. thanks!
cn flag
Yes. If nothing else needs to change that is fine.
za flag
Just a minuite ago, I edited the fstab file, (and made new mount point ealier), and dit umount /old, and mount /new, and it just worked. I should have checked the 'fuser' command (to see if it worked with all the user processes) but I didn't check. Thank you.
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