
How to get smooth scroll with Logitech mouse at 22.04

fr flag

Is there any way to achieve smooth scrolling with Ubuntu 22.04+Logtech mouse?

When using Ubuntu 20.04, I was able to achieve smooth scrolling using the method on the website here. However, it doesn't seem to work anymore with 22.04. I don't know what the cause is, if there is a way to achieve smooth scrolling in 22.04, please let me know.

If I can achieve smooth scrolling, I don't care using a non-Logitech mouse.

Marco avatar
br flag
Are you using Wayland or Xorg ?
Mutsuyuki  Tanaka avatar
fr flag
I'm using xorg. echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE show x11.
sc flag

I am unable to test with your specific hardware however Gnome Tweaks is able to configure mouse scrolling behaviour which might help you.

You can install Gnome Tweaks from the software centre or via sudo apt install gnome-tweaks.

You can then go to the "Keyboard & Mouse" section and experiment with the different "Acceleration Profile" options:

Gnome tweaks - mouse acceleration profile

Mutsuyuki  Tanaka avatar
fr flag
Thank you for your answer. I installed Tweak and change "Acceleration Profile". But There is no effect at all.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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