I bought an IRIScan 5 hoping I could use it through VBM 7.0, but this more complicated than expected.
In Ubuntu, the device is detected:
(base) avy@machine:~$ lsusb
Bus XXX Device XXX: ID XXXX:XXXX Microdia USB 2.0 Hub
...// a total of 11 devices
But in Windows 10, through VM VirtualBox 7.0, this is not detected at all:
PS C:\Users\Ave> Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Where-Object { $_.InstanceId -match '^USB' }
Status Class Friendlyname
OK HIDClass Périphérique d’entrée USB USB\VID_80EE...
OK USB Concentrateur USB racine USB\ROOT_HUB...
OK USB Concentrateur USB racine USB\ROOT_HUB...
// a total of 3 devices
About settings In VBM 7.0: I checked Enable USB controller
Addons (gest/usb) were already installed in the Windows 10 virtual machine, so the problem was not from there.
About vboxusers
in Ubuntu. I checked if it exists and it does. I checked if my user avy
is into it, and it does:
(base) avy@machine:~$ getent group vboxusers
I reboot Ubuntu (necessity in my OS version according to csoring), and now it works for the sharing (only):
(base) avy@machine:~$ VBoxManage list usbhost
VendorId: 0x0c45 (0C45)
ProductId: 0x0800 (0800)
Revision: 1.0 (0100)
Port: 2
USB version/speed: 2/High
Manufacturer: Mysher
Product: IRIScan Desk 5
SerialNumber: SN0001
Address: XXX
Current State: Captured
The problem for driver recognition seems to come from Windows 10 now.
It clearly complain about the driver "USB Unknown, State: Driver's error". I did not have this problem on other Windows computer, so the problem is not from hardware.