The users at my school are used to logging in to email, windows etc with a login [email protected]
(authenticated with Active Directory via LDAP). Unfortunately this is causing havoc and corrupting their user profile.
This was caused by some custom modifications in our setup that I didn't know about and were before my time. Was a bit difficult for me to find.
Custom code was in: /etc/pam.d/common-auth
Which ran a script that executed chown -R ${PAM_USER}. ${HOME_DIR}
. When users logged in as [email protected] this becomes chown -R [email protected]. ${HOME_DIR}
Problem login: username@xyz
New user logs in as [email protected]
. LDAP authenticates with AD and accepts the login. System attempts to create new user profile in /home.. however the system fails somewhere and the new profile is owned by root.
Working login: username
If the user logs in the first time as just username
then all is well. LDAP authenticated with AD, account is created and has correct owner.
- OS: KUbuntu 22.04 LTS. Error occurs on KUbuntu 20.04 LTS also
- Authentication: LDAP (via SSSD)
How to attack this problem?
- Can sddm or sssd filter out everything after "@..." ?
- Which process actually copies /etc/skel then does chown ?
- How to debug ?
Log Files
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_unix(sddm:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost= [email protected]
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_sss(sddm:auth): authentication success; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost= [email protected]
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_succeed_if(sddm:auth): requirement "uid >= 1000000" was met by user "[email protected]"
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_exec(sddm:auth): Calling /bin/bash ...
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: gkr-pam: stashed password to try later in open session
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_kwallet5(sddm:auth): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_authenticate
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_kwallet5(sddm:setcred): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_setcred
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_unix(sddm:session): session opened for user [email protected](uid=15371234) by (uid=0)
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd-logind[1177]: New session 3 of user u5371234.
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user u5371234(uid=15371234) by (uid=0)
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session closed for user sddm
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd-logind[1177]: Session 1 logged out. Waiting for processes to exit.
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd-logind[1177]: Removed session 1.
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: gkr-pam: gnome-keyring-daemon started properly and unlocked keyring
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_open_session
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: Couldn't create salt file
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: Couldn't read salt file
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: Fail into creating the hash
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_unix(sddm:session): session closed for user [email protected]
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_close_session
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sddm-helper: pam_kwallet5(sddm:setcred): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_setcred
auth.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd-logind[1177]: Session 3 logged out. Waiting for processes to exit.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Starting SSSD PAM Service responder private socket...
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Starting SSSD PAM Service responder socket...
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Starting SSSD PAC Service responder...
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sssd_check_socket_activated_responders[1525]: [sssd] [main] (0x0070): Misconfiguration found for the pam responder.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sssd_check_socket_activated_responders[1525]: The pam responder has been configured to be socket-activated but it's still mentioned in the services' line in /etc/sss
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sssd_check_socket_activated_responders[1525]: Please, consider either adjusting your services' line in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf or disabling the pam's socket by calling:
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sssd_check_socket_activated_responders[1525]: "systemctl disable sssd-pam.socket"
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: sssd-pam-priv.socket: Control process exited, code=exited, status=17/n/a
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: sssd-pam-priv.socket: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Failed to listen on SSSD PAM Service responder private socket.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Dependency failed for SSSD PAM Service responder socket.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: sssd-pam.socket: Job sssd-pam.socket/start failed with result 'dependency'.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sssd_check_socket_activated_responders[1526]: [sssd] [main] (0x0070): Misconfiguration found for the pam responder.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sssd_check_socket_activated_responders[1526]: The pam responder has been configured to be socket-activated but it's still mentioned in the services' line in /etc/sss
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sssd_check_socket_activated_responders[1526]: Please, consider either adjusting your services' line in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf or disabling the pam's socket by calling:
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sssd_check_socket_activated_responders[1526]: "systemctl disable sssd-pam.socket"
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Started SSSD PAC Service responder.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: sssd-pam.socket: Control process exited, code=exited, status=17/n/a
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: sssd-pam.socket: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Closed SSSD PAM Service responder socket.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 sssd_pac[1528]: Starting up
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of UID 15371234.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Starting User Runtime Directory /run/user/15371234...
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Finished User Runtime Directory /run/user/15371234.
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1]: Starting User Manager for UID 15371234...
daemon.log.1:Jul 26 15:26:43 linux042 systemd[1546]: Failed to open configuration file '/home/u5371234/.config/systemd/user.conf': Permission denied