I am considering switching to Ubuntu, but the absence of genuine two-finger zoom (not the pinch-to-"Ctrl +" kind) for touchpads is a deal breaker for me, especially for browsing and reading on my browser and PDF reader.
I'm thinking of purchasing a Mac since it is a Unix-like system and also has good touchpad gestures like genuine two-finger zoom. But I'd prefer to use Ubuntu 24 if it supports pinch-zoom. Since I'm in my final year of college, I have a limited time to avail the Apple student discount which ends around September or October.
Does anyone have any inside information on whether Ubuntu 24 will include native pinch-zoom functionality?
NOTE-1: I am also aware of this: How can ı do zoom with touchpad?
I have tried some of these tools. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think these tools just map the 2-finger zoom to the keyboard shortcut ctrl +
which is not the same as 2-finger zoom we get in Mac or Windows.
NOTE-2: I am also aware of a limited pinch zoom functionality in Ubuntu-23. I think it works only on images. I am looking for a proper pinch zoom feature that is available in Macbooks and modern windows PCs.
NOTE-3: This note is because my question was downvoted and closed because apparently it is opinion-based. So please note I am not asking for whether you think pinch-zoom will be available in Ubuntu-24, but I am requesting you to share any information you might have regarding this. This question hopes that someone working in the development of Ubutnu-24 might notice it and respond to it with facts.