
Error when migrating projects in GCP, could someone help me?

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I'm trying to Migrate 2 projects originating "no Organization" to a newly created organization in GCP.

When trying to perform the migration, it displays the error: Permission denied You do not have the following required permission to perform this action: "resourcemanager.projects.update"

I've tried to perform the procedure via command too but it didn't work either: ERROR: (gcloud.beta.projects.move) User ["my user"] does not have permission to access projects instance ["my project"] (or it may not exist): The caller does not have permission.

Group permission that the user participates at the organizational level: Support Account Administrator Organization Role Administrator Organization Policy Administrator Folder admin Organization Administrator Project Creator Project Mover Security Center Admin

User permission at the Organization level: Organization Administrator Project Mover

User permission at project level: Owner Project Mover Organization Administrator

Does anyone have any more suggestions?

in flag
Did you ever resolve this? I'm having the same problem.
Jyothi Kiranmayi avatar
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Is your issue resolved ? If yes, can you post the procedure you've followed as a solution or can you accept or upvote if the existing answer helps.
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As per the given error, it looks like you don’t have the permission to perform the action "resourcemanager.projects.update". And for that you need to have a “roles/resourcemanager.projectMover” role. Please check Project move permission.

For more details check Migrating project with no organization

in flag
Having the same problem, despite having the `roles/resourcemanager.projectMover` role on the project. I verified this using `gcloud projects get-iam-policy <project id>`. I've also verified that I have the `roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator` role on the target organization. But I still get the same response as @Leonardo.
Bakul Mitra avatar
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@Brad Have you checked my solution?
Bakul Mitra avatar
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Is your issue resolved ? If yes, can you post the procedure you've followed as a solution or can you accept or upvote if the existing answer helps.
yed avatar
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In my case I also needed "Project Creator" role explicitly set in the target organization. After setting that it worked for me.

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