
Frustrated with WSUS - is there a WUfB for Servers?

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I have been struggling with trying to manage Windows Server Update Service (WSUS). I was doing some googling the other day and came across Windows Update for Business (WUfB). It seemed like the sweet spot between doing Windows Updates manually across a bunch of VMs and managing the monster that is WSUS (forgive me but I am a software developer that is also tasked with maintaining about 30 VMs and I need to stay billable to help my small-company).

I got pretty excited when I read about WUfB and started working toward setting it up until I noticed that WUfB seems to be for Windows 10 only.

So if I hate WSUS, and I am struggling to find time to do round robin updates manually, what are my options?

Is there a Microsoft product,third-party product, or OSS that would help me update my servers?

Ideally it would have the kind of functionality offered by WUfB - namely a delay of some number of days after patch Tuesday for updates to be deployed, centralized management, and the ability to stagger the restarts of my VMs.

Free, cheap, or reasonable is preferred. Thanks.


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