
Getting timeout from server when connecting through virtual machine

bg flag

I have an angular application running on a IIS server, on the same server i have an asp core backend application. When i'm connecting from my computer i have no issue. Weh i'm connecting to my virtual machine in china, i can open my angular application front fine. But all request to the server are getting 504 timeout ... i thought about port issue , but if it was that i wouldn't be able to reach my front , the port of the front and back are 4433 and 4430 these are custom port.

Anyone would have an idea for me ? I'll take it gladly

Lex Li avatar
vn flag
Please always host your web apps on standard ports (80 and/or 443).
Meta2i avatar
bg flag
i cant because those are not open on the server =( and i have two application on the same server so they can't both use the same port anyway
Lex Li avatar
vn flag
"They can't both use the same port anyway"? I wonder from where you learned that invalid fact. IIS does allow multiple sites to use the same port for decades,
Meta2i avatar
bg flag
Ok thanks for the example so from your documentation if i bind two website on port 443, one address would be myip:443:myfirstwebsite and the other one myip:443:mysecondwebsite ? is that correct ?
Lex Li avatar
vn flag
Yes. But if your choice is port 443, you also need to learn certificate mappings in Windows HTTP API, or the certificates cannot be properly selected.
Meta2i avatar
bg flag
Thanks for the resources mate, also why is it mandatory for you to host on standart ports ?

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