We have many NAS devices at our company and one is remote. It is connected to a Meraki MX64 which connects to our local network at the company. While transferring data over to it, the speed seems to cap out at 1.3MB/s very specifically. I'm wondering what sorts of settings to look for as to why this rate would be capped, or just any reasoning at all. From what I can see, neither of the connecting Meraki devices have their rates capped that low, nor is there anything on our Netgear devices that should limit it to that rate specifically.
This is especially weird since I saw the rate at several times this speed (I believe it was around 30MB/s, possibly more or less) just a few weeks ago. I haven't changed any settings anywhere to prompt this change in rate, but I did notice that this current backup job started fast but very slowly and steadily decreased to this rate. This is not the first time I have seen the rate cap out at 1.3MB/s, but usually the job would start out at an extremely tiny pace and climb up to the 1.3MB/s point as opposed to slowing down to it over time.
One thing to note is that 1.3MB/s converts to 10.4Mb/s. If we assume that the actual transfer rate is 10Mb/s, which is 1.25MB/s, then it's possible that I am seeing 1.3MB/s because the web interface is rounding up. I'd imagine that this might have something to do with what could be limiting it, since 10Mb/s is such a round, clean number. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Edit: After some testing, the issue does not seem to be with any settings on the NAS devices. Both links are set to 1Gb/s, 4500MTU, and the measured bandwidth between my computer and the remote NAS is 11Mb/s aka 1.3MB/s. I cannot test the speed on other devices on the remote network because there currently are no other devices. The issue likely lies somewhere in the middle, at any rate.