I use a synology NAS, and have snapshots enabled. This creates a bunch of timestamped copies of folders in a #snapshots directory for each share. For instance, if I have the folder homes/alex/my/folder/structure/
(where "homes" is a default share in DSM), I also have the folders homes/#snapshots/<timestamp1, timestamp2, timestamp3, etc>/alex/my/folder/structure/
containing snapshots of the structure
folder at all the timestamps it existed for. This whole structure is available to browse on a client machine via SMB, assuming you've enabled that and have a credentialed user and so on.
If I want to find all the snapshots of structure
on MacOS, I can use the terminal command `ls /Volumes/homes/#snapshot/*/alex/my/folder/structure/'.
This is a little cumbersome both because it requires a lot of typing but also because it lists the entire contents of the structure
folder at every snapshot, in addition to which snapshots there are.
In a perfect world, finder would just have a dropdown menu on the folder path entry where I could see all the other folders at this level containing this same path I'm on, and could quickly switch between them. They do something similar with much more visual cruft in the Time Machine interface, but that's not generally applicable.
Is there any GUI a-la Path Finder/Forklift/etc that has this kind of function?