
Route all internet traffic through vsock channel

in flag

I can run arbitrary code on both a Linux server instance and a Linux VM inside the server. Both can only communicate to each other through vsock channels. Only the server instance has internet access.

I'd like to run one program on the server and one on the VM that connect to each other through vsock. The VM part intercepts any outgoing internet traffic and sends it to the server part via vsock which the latter routes to the internet, and the responses of the respective webservers are routed back into the VM vice versa.

The goal is to have the VM part run in the background, such that I could run any other tool (e.g. NodeJS, a bitcoin client, ...) expecting internet access on the VM as if I ran it on the server, without modifications. Performance hit is fine. How do I do that?


Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
If you want the VM to have network connectivity, why don't you just give it network connectivity? What is the point of this strange setup?

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