
Replace VPS rDNS FQDN with a mail subdomain

ar flag

I have a VPS with a single IP address and multiple domain names.

I used to check the spam rate of my email. And my results are:

    Your IP address is associated with the domain
    Nevertheless your message appears to be sent from
    You may want to change your pointer (PTR type) DNS record and the host name of your server to the same value.

    Here are the tested values for this check:

Right now when I check the DNS reverse setting for my VPS in the hosting panel of my ISP I see for IP I know I cannot associate more than one domain name with a single IP address, so:
Should I replace "" with the MAIL server domain "" as the FQDN?
(I'm not sure if the rDNS setting is used for anything else than for the purpose of email and changing this could potentially break my websites).

I already checked here: PTR record (rDNS) for multiple domains on a shared IP address

cz flag

Yes, you should do this. It will fix certain delivery issues you have been having. There is no negative effect I can think of (or anybody I've ever heard from in the last few decades).


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