
How to Import Windows Server 2019 Security Policies on Windows 2012 AD Server

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I have two Windows 2012 domain controllers. Our environment also has a few Windows 2016 and 2019 servers. Scans are performed weekly to check for security compliance and to ensure certain security policies have been applied.

Certain policies on the 2019 servers are missing. When I try to add these specific security policies (ex: user & group audit policies) to a GPO on our 2012 AD servers the specific settings I'm looking for are missing/unavailable, therefore I can't create a GPO for our 2019 servers to meet this security requirement. Is there a way to import these security policies or the settings so I can set them on our 2019 servers using a GPO?

My confusion is being able to set/create GPO's for Windows 2019 servers when my AD server is 2012 and is missing certain settings. I'd appreciate any help/support, thanks.


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