looked around for a bit and I could not find a definitive answer. My setup is for educational purposes as I am in a CCNA/Cybersecurity program thru my college.
Anywho lets get down to it~
PC A is upstairs, directly above my main router/modem. It has Windows 2022 Datacenter on it, thanks to my College for making such tools available. This server is connected to a separate router via a WiFi repeater which has ONE gigabit connection on it. The repeater can be setup as a client AP, or a bridge. Considering I have a router installed on the gigabit, the server is now running off the router. I just needed more ports for all my machines - I have a switch for downstairs, just not hooked up yet.
PC B is downstairs hardlined to my router. This is a near identical machine, just the model number is slightly different - PC A is an HP 8570w and PC B is a HP 8760w. PC A has a better processor, mSATA (which is where my VMs are stored), and 2 SSD's on RAID0. PC B is slightly slower, but a better GPU, but THREE SSD's (all the same), 2 of which are on RAID0 and the primary drive, hosts the OS, 2022 Datacenter. They also have equal amounts of RAM, 32g each.
The goal is to deploy a VM to a client PC, utilizing both servers (a pool I believe its called). I do not run any fancy software, the VM is simply for college stuff should I decide to do it on my couch downstairs. The client will be hardlined to my router, as will PC B.
So cutting to the point:
Can I utilize two servers to "balance" the workload demands for one VM deployment? PC A is faster, and possibly a 1-2ms difference, yet PC B is sitting below my client PC. If so, how? Perhaps a link for further instructions to kick me in the right direction?
I suppose the biggest question, is there any point? In a large corporation setting I can see why failover clusters and replication could be useful, but this is not my goal. I simply want to balance the workload so if PC B's CPU is at redline, PC A can kick in to help - or vice versa. Same goes with RAM. By no means do I plan on running a VM with say, 64g of RAM. Most is 8gb, dynamic of course. Any help or advice in this situation?
Thanks everyone!