This domain's authoritative DNS server is located in mainland China, so if you (or your DNS server) query this domain from outside China, request will across the Great Firewall. "proxy" is in Great Firewall's block list, then it will reply with a fake answer. Great Firewall is closer to you than authoritative DNS server, so it's fake answer will arrive first, then you'll see those "variable IP".
Query a non DNS server in China from outside of China, with a non-exist domain, you can observe those Great Firewall's behavior better:
Old answer:
DNS server can provide different answer to same domain name, for example: DNS round robin and GeoDNS.
But there are other possibility, it seems like your DNS response is modified by a middle box, can you do these tests (assuming you are using Linux)? Are you live in China? Which DNS server are you using?
dig +tcp
dig @
(I have not enough reputation to post a comment, So I can only ask these question in answer)