Both server and client are cent os 7.0
My data VM has a exports file:
My client has a fstab: /export/images nfs rsize=32768,wsize=32768,actimeo=0,bg,intr
Sure enough that client whose user is arc can ls /export/images
but if I try to cd into there and touch a file:
[arc@megamcachine images]$ touch somefile
touch: cannot touch ‘somefile’: Permission denied
Now the id of that user on the data vm is:
id arc
uid=1001(arc) gid=1001(arc) groups=1001(arc),10000(canwrite),10001(tron)
The id arc on the client is:
id arc
uid=1001(arc) gid=1001(arc) groups=1001(arc),10000(datawrite),10001(tron)
I am not sure what I am missing. I had another machine that was mounting this nfs mount and those users work just fine...(a caveat those users are all in the users and groups that own these files) but arc is in datawrite (canwrite) so not sure where the permission denied is coming from. If I goto my data vm that is exporting the NFS mount and su as the arc user I can write in the /images folder no issue.
Arc user can write to disk on the server itself:
[arc@35M_DATA images]$ touch somefile
[arc@35M_DATA images]$ ls -lh
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 tron datawrite 9.6K Apr 1 2021 q4list
-rw-rw-r--. 1 arc datawrite 0 Nov 8 11:58 somefile <---
drwxrwxr-x. 411 tron datawrite 12K Nov 7 17:15 tcam
drwxrwsr-x. 3 tron datawrite 4.0K Sep 29 18:12 tmp
drwxrwsr-x. 2 tron datawrite 4.0K Oct 25 2011 ytgold
[arc@35M_DATA images]$
[arc@35M_DATA images]$ ls -ld
drwxrwsr-x. 257 tron datawrite 12288 Nov 8 11:58 .
From client:
[arc@ecamera-icc images]$ ls -ld
drwxrwsr-x 257 500 datawrite 12288 Nov 8 09:58 .
[arc@ecamera-icc images]$