
Win2019 VPN giving 'processing error during initial negotiations'

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TL;DR: Got new server running Win2019. Went to move VPN over from Win2008R2 server. When 2019 connecting to 2019 server, clients get the old and common error: enter image description here

But connecting to the existing 2008R2 VPN, they can connect fine.

Longer version: Both servers are running with L2TP. Long ago, when we upgraded the 2008r2 to L2TP, we had to run the registry hack on our client computers. (Setting the AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule flag to 2, since our server is behind our router. I do NOT know if this was/is needed, or if the 2008 server had it set or now.)

The server running the VPN is also the DHCP, DNS, and primary AD server, and despite that the VPN will also report an error saying that it could not get addresses from the DHCP server, unless I configure the IPv4 Forwarding to have a static address pool. I believe this is unrelated, but just in case I thought I would mention it.

So, because it works on 2008r2 server and NOT the Win2019 server - both on the same side of the router, on the same subnet and LAN, I am not sure what else to check.

Any ideas on where to go from here?


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