Have you considered using AWS RDS rather than EC2 / FSx? In the cloud it's generally best to use services where they're available unless they can't do what you need.
I don't think you need to split across FSx file systems for performance, since FSx is a managed service rather than a device / disk. You could put everything onto one FSx file system and dial up or down the performance. However I think other factors probably outweigh this, as I describe below.
Looking at FSx pricing you pay for storage and "throughput capacity" separately. Because of that I would probably keep each database on a separate FSx instance to reduce reliance on one file system, which may increase availability. That also means non-production databases can be on lower performance FSx instances.
Another view is if your databases are not always busy at the same time it might be cheaper to have one large drive and share "throughput capacity" between them. However to me that pushes things together in a way that increases the chance for downtime. For example human error deleting the file share could take out multiple databases rather than one. I probably wouldn't do this unless price was critical and reliably required was low.
If you want to combine storage you can prototype this fairly easily.