
Improve Hyper-V Storage IOPS

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i have been working for about a week straight trying to get hyper-v servers to provide the same storage performance as the host they are on. the random IOPS are a mere fraction of a percent of what they are on the host. literally.

here is the host:

host random iops

here is the VM:

vm random iops

according to this article and this writeup, there should be a regkey for increasing the default channels to the host storage from the VM here:

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\VMBUS{device id}{instance id}\StorChannel

but, alas, as with all other articles, i never seem to have the same registry keys as the people writing them. (hopefully they never write me where to find a good woman) the microsoft article is brand new (applies to server 2022) but somehow, the storage portion doesn't jive. would anyone have insight on this? there doesn't seem to be anything new for hyper-v anywhere on the web that's related to this topic. appreciate any help.



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