
DNS cache: systemd-resolve and ping resolve different IP addresses

cn flag

I have changed the IP address in a DNS record (on Google Cloud DNS), associated to a subdomain

From my Google Cloud VM:

  • if I ping, I get the old IP address
  • if I systemd-resolve, I get the new IP address

I have tried to flush the DNS cache using:

sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches

but ping is still getting the old IP address

What am I doing wrong?

fr flag
What's in /etc/resolve.conf and where is it pointing to (if symlink)? What's in the `hosts:` line in /etc.nsswitch.conf?
cn flag
this is the default for Google Cloud Compute virtual machines: `resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf` "hosts:" in nsswitch.conf says "files dns"
cn flag
content of resolv.conf: `nameserver` `options edns0 trust-ad` `search c.myproject.internal google.internal`
fr flag
Do you have by any chance this name in /etc/hosts file?
cn flag
Which name do you mean?
Wojtek_B avatar
jp flag
What distribution and version of linux you are running ? Did you restart your VM after obseved difference in IP's ? Did you do any network configuration on your network settings or installed any network related software that may have done this ? Please provide more information about your setup so we can troubleshoot this.
fr flag
@DanieleB, do you have in /etc/hosts?
cn flag
I am using the default configuration on the VM, which is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on Google Cloud. I tried to restart the VM, but nothing changed.
cn flag
tesr.example.con is not in /etc/hosts
cn flag
To clarify, now after many hours, the IP is shown correctly also for ping. But still isn't clear why ping was resolving a different IP than systemd-resolve.
jp flag

Behavior you observed comes from a known systemd bug - I dare to say that since you indicated that you have nameserver in your /etc/resolv.conf - systemd adds it due to mentioned bug. Have a look at the answers provided since they may contain a solution that's right for you. Most of them however suggest to "hardcode" DNS.

Ping works in a different way and it was able to resolve the name correctly.

Inner workings related to DNS and systemd-resolve were discussed at length here.


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