
How do I set up a Let's Encrypt wildcard certificate for Apache on an Amazon Linux 2 AMI EC2 instance?

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I have a domain (let's say, and I currently have a Let's Encrypt certificate set up and properly working for and for Apache on an Amazon Linux 2 AMI EC2 instance, and I'm trying to reconfigure the certificate to set it up for a wildcard domain (i.e., *

I SSH'ed into the EC2 instance and ran the following command in an attempt to do this (with the real domain, not

sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --server -d -d *

Upon running that command, I get the following message:

Let's Encrypt wildcard certificate attempt

I then add a TXT record to my DNS settings in Google Domains as the prompt suggested as follows:

Google Domains DNS settings

I then verified that the TXT record is there by using the following site and inputting the _acme-challenge URL / host name:

Upon confirming the record is there, I then hit Enter in the SSH console, but I get the following error:

Let's Encrypt wildcard certificate error message

What am I doing wrong that's not allowing me to issue a wildcard certificate? Any help/guidance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Edit: I should note that I used the following post as a starting point for this:

John Hanley avatar
cn flag
Why are you cross-posting the same question? On the other post, you commented on getting downvoted. This will get you downvoted and closed. Select a site and post one question.
ug flag
As per your original advice, I was trying to move the post to a more relevant site as well as adding more detail. That not allowed?
ug flag

I figured out the problem. When I was entering the TXT record into Google Domains, I should have only typed _acme-challenge for the host name, but I was typing, which was causing the TXT record host name to be incorrect.

After I fixed that, the first challenge successfully went through, and then I had to pass a second random string challenge to get it to work.

Note that when using Google Domains, for the second TXT challenge, you should not create a new TXT record or replace the current TXT record value. Instead, you want to add a new value to the existing TXT record (while keeping the first value unedited).

Also, upon this working, I had to update the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-le-ssl.conf files on the server to have a ServerAlias of * to get it to work. Don't forget to restart Apache after it's all done as well. Hopefully after doing that, it'll work for you as well.


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