
Bind mount ONLY if Samba mount is present? (Ex: BIND MOUNT Requires NFS Mount \\172.16.x.x\files... )

ru flag

I have a mount with SAMBA using the following in fstab:

//source/files /mnt/files cifs user,_netdev,cache=none,credentials=/usr/src/access.smb 0 0

And then i have the following mount --bind line:

/mnt/files /var/www/html/data none defaults,bind 0 0

But the second mount is not working. If i reboot the computer only the first mount works. I need to manually mount the second one (Using bind)

Please, can someone help me? I saw this post on Unix Stack Exchange but i did'nt understand:

Thanks in advance.

de flag

Something like this:

/mnt/files /var/www/html/data none x-systemd.requires=/mnt/files,x-systemd.automount,bind 0 0
ru flag
Hello! Sorry - Something like this or is your comment actually the solution?
de flag
Just try it. Possibly, some some corrections might be needed
ru flag
Also, please: What does x-systemd.automount do ? I read this documentation, here: but i didnt really understanding... Do you know what is it for or did you find this elsewhere ? Thank you.
ru flag
I think this worked but i did'nt use this systemd.automount option since i didnt understand what it does .. Thank, if you could just complement specifiying what systemd.automount i would be glad. Have a superb day :)
de flag
It dynamically creates systemd mount units from fstab entries
ru flag
For some reason when i test it with this x-systemd.automount option it doesnt mount.

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