To create a private network and have it NAT to the public interface, add the following configurations to the /etc/network/interfaces (keep the backup of original)
Updated the network bridge vmbr0 and allowed it to use internet traffic Created new network bridge vmbr1 and used for internal networking between containers
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface lo inet6 loopback
auto enp41s0
iface enp41s0 inet manual (prev value static)
Commented this line
# up route add -net 65.XXX.XXX.128 netmask gw 65.XXX.XXX.129 dev enp41s0
Bridge that handles internet traffic
iface vmbr0 inet static
address 65.XXX.XXX.181/26
gateway 65.XXX.XXX.129
bridge-ports enp41s0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
Bridge that is used by the internal running services
auto vmbr1
iface vmbr1 inet static
bridge-ports none
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
#Bridge network to NAT to vmbr1, uses network
post-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s '' -o vmbr0 -j MASQUERADE
post-down iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s '' -o vmbr0 -j MASQUERADE
And thankfully I am able to use all microservices , efficiently.
Hope this helps to someone