
How to access Public VM IIS from internet in AZURE?

br flag

I have below things: 2 VM inside 2 subnet all are in Vnet1. VM1 has enable IIS, VM1 and VM2 Assign public IP.

VM1 has assign public IP and I need all traffic from public IP of vm1 from VM2.


Is there any ways to allow traffic from VM2 to VM1? I have tried multiple time but didn't worked.

I have followed below MS Docs, but it allows only internally(private) in network, it's not working for internet.

I've custom template of this scenarios, You have just apply it and all configuration will be created.

you can access from below link: Custome Template

Please check below image for more info.enter image description here

ng flag
This question doesn't make a lot of sense, you need be clearer on what you are looking for. If you have a public IP assigned to VM1, then if you hit that IP you will get VM1. What is it you are actually wanting to achieve as the end result? Are you looking to put a firewall or WAF in front of VM 1 or something else?

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