
LAN access while on VPN

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Is there any tweaks/workarounds that can be done on a windows 10 machine to enable it to access LAN while connected to VPN where the used VPN software (Cisco anyconnect) is configured to deny split tunnel.

i already tried couple other options but to no avail (extra NIC on the WIN10 which adds a second route to LAN) .

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Talk to your it department instead of trying to circumvent their security measures.
Zarkos.Fina avatar
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Unfortunately they are not good in their job and unable to help users when they have real problems so they absolutely wont help in this. Yet, why you consider this "circumvent"? i believe if its only my PC which can access LAN (but not vice versus) there isnt be any security threats, there's no security policy that prevent user from connecting 2 NICs same time or playing in routing table, i dont see any violation in this..
joeqwerty avatar
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You might not see any violation, but it isn't up to you to decide that. Your IT department has configured this for a reason. Explain your need to them and see what they can do for you. If they won't change their policy then there's nothing you can do. We won't help you circumvent their policy and controls.

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