
Why is my home wifi network NOT working intermittently?

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My home wifi broke intermittently, how can I troubleshoot it?


I use China Telecom service, they provide a smart SDN gateway, which is fiber 1000 M speed. The wired network is working smoothly all the time.

The issue occurs with the wifi, it brokes intermittently. When it broke, the wifi connection status shows normally, but no internet access. The DNS time-outs.

What I tried

  • I tried all the well-known DNSs, for example,,, etc. No effect.

  • I bought another dual frequency and dual 1000 M wifi router, same issue.

  • I tried locking the signal channel, but no effect. Same issue.

More information

When DNS time-outs issues occur, the tracert shows:

enter image description here

And the browser shows (DNS_PROBE_xxx):

enter image description here

When no timeouts issue, the tracert shows:

enter image description here

What should I do to troubleshoot the root cause?


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