
Module Apache mod_remoteip cause SSL Handshake failed (5) when load testing

es flag

I have Haproxy which load balance the traffic to two apache servers.
When I benchmark with apache benchmark tool I have no errors and everything works as expected.

But when I activate the proxy protocol communication between HAProxy and apaches I start having issues.

There are two scenarios

1- Load testing with less then 500 request/second everything works well.

2- Load testing with concurrent requests > 600. I start having SSL handshake failed (5) issues.

  • Here is my HAproxy configuration:

     # Global settings
     log local0 debug
     chroot      /var/lib/haproxy
     pidfile     /var/run/
     maxconn     3000
     user        haproxy
     group       haproxy
     # turn on stats unix socket
     stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats
     # common defaults that all the 'listen' and 'backend' sections will
     # use if not designated in their block
     mode                    tcp
         log                     global
         option                  tcplog
         option                  dontlognull
         option http-server-close
         option                  redispatch
         retries                 3
         timeout http-request    10s
         timeout queue           1m
         timeout connect         10s
         timeout client          1m
         timeout server          1m
         timeout http-keep-alive 10s
         timeout check           10s
     # Servers sections
     frontend XXXX:443
       bind XXX:443
       mode tcp
       use_backend https_front
     backend https_front
       balance roundrobin
       server XXX XXX check send-proxy
  • My apache vhost conf:

    <VirtualHost *:443>
      ServerName XXXX
      RemoteIPProxyProtocol On
  • My benchmark command:

     > ab  -c 1020 -n 9000  https://XXXX
     SSL handshake failed (5).
     SSL handshake failed (5).
     SSL handshake failed (5).
     SSL handshake failed (5).
     SSL read failed (1) - closing connection
     139921183344512:error:140E0197:SSL routines:SSL_shutdown:shutdown while in init:ssl/ssl_lib.c:2094:

I can not find any logs neither in haproxy nor in the apache logs. Did someone face the same issue before ?

Thanks in advance

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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