
How to configure postfix to forward mail to all valid local users to a single external email account and still bounce non-existent users

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I have a postfix service configured on a linux server to successfully send/receive email, with SPF/DKIM/DMARC all working, however I don't want email kept on the server. Instead I would like email addressed to any local account (e.g. [email protected], [email protected]) whether it is generated locally by something like cron, or whether it is received externally (e.g. by someone replying to a locally generated email from a system account), to be routed to one or more external addresses - [email protected], [email protected]. This is complicated by not wanting a catchall - I have to continue to reject mail received for invalid local addresses (e.g. [email protected]).

regexp alias_maps of /.+/ and luser_relay don't achieve the outcome, as they forward on emails addressed to non-existent accounts. I still need to verify local_recipient_maps via proxy:unix:passwd.byname to determine it is a local account and bounce if it is not, but at that point, I'm struggling to figure out how to tell postfix to just send to a fixed external address. I suspect the answer lies in but haven't been able to find a way to do it. Any help/advice appreciated.

Update #1 I currently have it doing what I need by replacing the "local" entry in /etc/postfix/ with the following:

local     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=R user=nobody argv=/usr/sbin/sendmail [email protected]

however this feels like an inelegant hack as it leaves and then re-enters the mail system. I know using "nobody" as the account is flawed, and if I stick with this I'll create a custom "owns no files" account for it, but I'm hoping there's a postfix expert out there with a more efficient solution.

Anything that requires maintaining a duplicate list of local users (e.g. maintaining a shadow of all accounts in /etc/passwd in the /etc/aliases file) isn't going to be acceptable as it duplicates data and requires an ongoing maintenance activity to resync the list whenever operating system accounts are added/deleted.

anx avatar
fr flag
Do you really have to care whether postfix uses the list of local users, or the enumeration of aliases as the basis of what to reject? Does your list of valid recipients change regularly? Could just put your list of aliases as a fixed list and call it a day.

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