
Virtual machine not meeting Windows 11 system requirements, even though it should

kz flag

I am trying to create a Windows 11 virtual machine on Hyper-V. I downloaded a clean x64 ISO from Microsoft. Here is my attempt using Generation 2 as a commenter recommended:

  • Generation 2
  • Default Switch
  • 8192 RAM
  • 128 GB hard drive
  • UEFI Secure boot enabled
  • TPM enabled
  • DirectX 12 enabled

However, when I start the virtual machine, I get the following message:

Unable to boot

I was able to get further using a Generation 1 virtual machine, before a commenter pointed out Windows 11 isn't supported in Generation 1. During those earlier Hyper-V new virtual machine setup wizard, I selected:

  • Generation 1
  • Default Switch
  • 8192 RAM
  • 128 GB hard drive

vm summary

I can connect to the virtual machine and upon starting it the Windows installation kicks off normally. However, the installation process stops, stating that the machine doesn't meet the system requirements:

requirements message

As far as I can tell, Windows 11 only requires 4096 RAM and 64 GB hard drive, which the VM meets. My host processor is also well above the requirement:

system processor

Can anyone help me understand why I'm getting this message during installation? Thanks for any help!

[Edit] Here is my attempt to verify some additional requirements mentioned by commenters.


I don't know exactly what TPM is, but that seems to indicate the host machine has it enabled.

DirectX version

  • UEFI Secure Boot. Using these instructions, I was able to verify UEFI Secure Boot is enabled:


This seems to suggest all requirements are met.

cn flag
When you click on the link in the dialog, it displays the requirements. TPM and UEFI SecureBoot are *required*.
Jason avatar
kz flag
Thank you. I wasn't sure what those requirements were or how to verify them. I searched how to verify those settings and added the verification to my original question.
cv flag

Windows 11 isn't supported as a Generation 1 guest. You need to create it as a Generation 2 guest.

Jason avatar
kz flag
Thank you. I hadn't realized that Window 11 isn't supported with the Generation 1 option. However, when I attempt Generation 2, I get an error message upon starting the machine indicating that there was no bootable media found. I've updated the original question with this additional information.
ar flag

You mention RAM and disk space. However, the requirements list some more items:

  • TPM
  • UEFI boot
  • DirectX 12 Graphics card
  • Secure boot

You don't mention any of these items, which leads me to believe you haven't really checked the URL the error message provides.

Jason avatar
kz flag
That's a rather rude way to observe my lack of knowledge, but I appreciate you pointing out the additional requirements. I did read the URL the error message provided, I just didn't understand how to verify all of the requirements listed. I'm updated the question with my attempts to verify these additional requirements.
cn flag
"That's a rather rude way to observe my lack of knowledge" - no. He is directly indicating your lack of READING. The hardware requirements of Windows 11.
Jason avatar
kz flag
Wow, so this is one of those kinds of communities. Good to know. As stated, I read them, I just didn't know how to verify them all. I've literally never done this before.
vidarlo avatar
ar flag
@Jason I'd say it's at least a site that expects people to google `windows 11 Hyper-V requirements` before asking.
Jason avatar
kz flag
@vidarlo Thanks again for displaying the same rudeness I previously mentioned. I did Google it. I even linked it in my original post behind the text "As far as I can tell". That you mistook my ignorance for laziness and deception is exactly how you are being rude.
kz flag

Thanks to @joeqwerty I started using the Generation 2 setup option instead of Generation 1. I was getting an error booting, but that was because the Generation 2 setup assumes the ISO is on a DVD and not on a hard drive, requiring me to "press any key" when prompted to boot from DVD.

After in the Windows 11 setup, I was still getting the "requirements not met" error, however. Using another site where people are actually helpful, I was able to learn what I was doing wrong.

I had assumed that UEFI Secure Boot requirements were for the host machine. I didn't realize those were additional settings needed for the virtual machine after completing the new virtual machine setup wizard.

Someone explained that after creating the VM, I had to go into the security settings to enable these features (read-only because my VM was running when I took the screenshot):

VM settings

Posting here in case another VM newbie has the same misunderstanding.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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