
Can't find NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER to give it Read privs on a cert

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I've got SQL Server 2016 happily running under the default account NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER. Now, though, I need to give that pseudo-account read priv on a newly installed SSL Certificate.

The pseudo-account exists here:

Windows knows about it here...

But is not findable by the Add User dialog box in mmc when managing the cert:

but not here.

Is there a way to find it, or must I run SQL Server using an actual user account in this case?

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Use correct per-service SID to grant permissions and rights:


More information can be found here:

RonJohn avatar
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Maybe I misunderstand something, but my problem is with `mmc`, not SQL Server.
Jevgenij Martynenko avatar
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Try putting `NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER` into "Object name" field. As per your screenshot you currently specified `MSSQLSERVER`
RonJohn avatar
id flag
`NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER` was the first thing I tried. Plain old `MSSQLSERVER` was the second...
Manu avatar
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I can confirm J-Ms solution, which works on my 14.0.2047.8 standard edition.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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