
Openstack VM not accessible from Local network

km flag

I am new to Openstack and trying to deploy Openstack environment to instantiate VM for Customer Demo. I am able to instantiate VM and multiple VM are able to PING/SSH each other from console (accessed from Horizon) but i am not able to reach to these VM directly.

Looks i am doing something wrong but not able to figure it out yet. My setup is as below :

HW -> HP Proliant G10 ( 72 vCPU, 256Gb Ram, 2TB disk )

OS -> Centos 7

Openstack -> Openstack version Train

On physical interface NIC "eno1", i have IP range on gw

below is Openstack config:

[root@controller1 ~(keystone)]# openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name         | Status | Networks                         | Image | Flavor        |
| 5724ea5b-4533-4152-84d9-ffaf5d6ff156 | cirs_nw_test | ACTIVE | internal_network= |       | m1.c4r8d160e0 |
| 9af20540-31f8-4941-8c29-ba83210c62a6 | Cirr_OS_nw   | ACTIVE | internal_network= |       | m1.c4r8d160e0 |

[root@controller1 ~(keystone)]# neutron net-list
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
| id                                   | name             | tenant_id                        | subnets                                               |
| 1d7f39e6-8f94-4438-bb23-87cc68f83376 | external_network | 656f0be21cbf441fa09912c25dd56a66 | dee3537a-b314-4594-9c6c-03d29b90819d  |
| ef1276a1-ebfb-4ebf-96d5-e27e1cc9ede3 | internal_network | 656f0be21cbf441fa09912c25dd56a66 | 11e5e796-ed52-45de-81d8-1709210732b2 |

[root@controller1 ~(keystone)]# openstack subnet list
| ID                                   | Name              | Network                              | Subnet           |
| 11e5e796-ed52-45de-81d8-1709210732b2 | internal-tecmint  | ef1276a1-ebfb-4ebf-96d5-e27e1cc9ede3 | |
| dee3537a-b314-4594-9c6c-03d29b90819d | external-techmint | 1d7f39e6-8f94-4438-bb23-87cc68f83376 |  |

Within the IP namespaces, VM are able to communicate each other but it failing from outside world.

[root@controller1 ~(keystone)]# ip netns
qdhcp-6a0126b5-7989-40c4-99b0-3dacd782e69b (id: 3)
qrouter-b18bf7e8-c162-412d-b34b-c8ffd9a861e3 (id: 2)
qdhcp-ef1276a1-ebfb-4ebf-96d5-e27e1cc9ede3 (id: 1)
qdhcp-1d7f39e6-8f94-4438-bb23-87cc68f83376 (id: 0)

us flag
Did you look at the security-groups? Do they allow connection to the outside world?
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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