
Can't install an Ubuntu Desktop edition (20.04, 22.04, 22.10) in a VMWare virtual machine

uy flag

I can't install a recent Ubuntu Desktop guest OS in my VMWare ESXI 7.0.0 (Build 16324942).

Each time I try, the installation process crashes on the "Where are you?" screen (when you have to choose the meridian in which you are), and the window is closed.

Then I can see the Ubuntu OS which were started from the ISO file (this VM is not installed in the VM. It is he "try Ubuntu" OS).

This is my VM's configuration :

CPU : 2
Core per socket : 2 (sockets : 1)
CPU hot plug : décoché
Reservation : No
Limit : unlimited
Parts : Normal
Material virtualisation : No
Performance counter : No
Afinity planification

Memory :
RAM : 8Go
Reservation : No
All guest memory reservation : No
Limit : unlimited
Parts : Normal
Hotplug Memory Connexion : No

Hard disk 1 : 96 Go
Max size  : 2 To
Type : Static provisionning, late reset
Disc file : [VMs]CEN-Ubuntu2204-OdkCentral/CEN-Ubuntu2204-OdkCentral.vmdk
Parts : normal
Limit – IOPs : Unilimited
Controller location : SCSI 0 Controller / SCSI (0:0)
Disc mode : Dependent
Share : No

SCSI 0 Controller : LSI Logic Parallel
SCSI Bus sharing : No

SATA 0 controller : Nothing

USB 1 controller : USB 3.1

Network adapter 1 : VM Network
Connected : Yes
State : « Connect when power on » Yes
Adapter type : VMXNET 3
MAC address : automatic

CD/DVD drive : Databank ISO file (Ubuntu installation)
Controler location : SATA 0 controller / SATA (0/0)

Video card : default
Screens : 1
Whole video memory : 4 Mo
3D graphics : No
3D rendering : Automatic

Security devices : Not configured
SGX : Disabled
Enclave page cache size : 0 Mo
Launch control configuration : Unlocked
Restrictions : Some operations and features are restricted (not compatible with SGX : vMotion, Fault tolerance, Suspending a VM, Taking a snapshot of a VM)

VM Options :
General options :
Name : CEN-Ubuntu2204-OdkCentral
Config. File : [VMs] CEN-Ubuntu2204-OdkCentral/CEN-Ubuntu2204-OdkCentral.vmx
Working directory : [VMs] CEN-Ubuntu2204-OdkCentral
Guest OS : Linux Guest OS
version : Ubuntu Linux (64 bits)

VMWare Remote Control Options :
Guest OS lockdown : No
Max sessions number : no limit

VMWare Tools :
Alimentation :

  1. Stop guest OS
  2. Guest OS standby
  3. Power on / resume

I tried with 20.04, 22.04 and 22.10 Ubuntu desktop versions. I could install an Ubuntu 22.04 server edition (with only command line), and I've got 3 VM running CENTOS (6 to 9), which were installed without a bug.

Does anyone know the compatibilities between ESXI and Ubuntu? I tried to use the VMWare compatibility guide on the net,485,448,428,427,369,429,408,367,338,276,275,274,273, But I found no other guest OS compatibles than 2 Suse versions... strange

Has anyone experienced the same bug before? Thanks for advance

br flag

Ubuntu Desktop needs a dual-core CPU, give that a try.

V Damoy avatar
uy flag
Thank you for your very fast answer. Unfortunately, I tried with 2 CPU (1 per socket or 2 per socket), but the result is the same. But I keep this config! Thanks
br flag
It's really odd as I have an Ubuntu server running on ESXi 7 right in front of me - maybe show ALL of the VM's settings in your question, might be useful.
V Damoy avatar
uy flag
Yes, I managed to install an Ubuntu server. It's just the desktop version whose installation crashes. I prefer to install the desktop version, it would be more comfortable for me. But I will edit my question and show all parameters.
Aurelio Martin Massoni avatar
in flag
Is the VM connected to a virtual switch with connection to the internet ?
V Damoy avatar
uy flag
Hello, no I don't think (if I understand what a virtual switch is...). The VM is on a VMWare, connected to the internet via a physical switch and a VPN.
bi flag

A bit to quick on the send button sorry! We were able to install 22.04 by removing the networkcard in vmware. However when we re-addeded after install we have several crashes of gnome packages. Like calculator, whoopsie, gnome-initial-setup, fwupd,...

So any idea on what the issue is or how to solve it would be helpfull!

Update 11/01/2023: We installed ubuntu desktop 18 without any issues and then just upgraded to 20 and 22 in GUI interface.

V Damoy avatar
uy flag
Thank you very much @Nicolas ! I post my question on VMWare forum and found this workaround yesterday. With the network card disconnected, the installation is straightforward. I've got problems with apt when adding a repo, etc... (maybe the same bugs as yours?) but the OS is installed. It's a first step! \o/
Nicolas avatar
bi flag
Hey, it indeeds sounds like the same issue. I did have some some issues installing gitlab and had to download the package to install it. But that could be a gitlab issue. I did find a bugreport on the ubuntu site on it, but also no solution. [link]( When you start the calculator does it also crash? Hopefully a solution can be found.

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