
Hyper-V Production Checkpoint issue with Debian 11 Linux VMs

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Just added the first Linux VM (Debian 11) to Hyper-V Server Core 2016. An error is raised while exporting VM with

Get-VM ... | Export-VM -CaptureLiveState CaptureDataConsistentState ...

The message mention an issue while creating Production Checkpoint because of VSS integration guest error 0x80004005. From what I understand hv_vss_daemon is running in the guest

root@...:~# ps -ef | grep hv
root          99       2  0 13:24 ?        00:00:00 [hv_vmbus_con]
root         101       2  0 13:24 ?        00:00:00 [hv_pri_chan]
root         102       2  0 13:24 ?        00:00:00 [hv_sub_chan]
root         218       2  0 13:24 ?        00:00:00 [hv_balloon]
root         245       1  0 13:24 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/hv_kvp_daemon -n
root         397       1  0 13:24 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/hv_fcopy_daemon -n
root         398       1  0 13:24 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/hv_vss_daemon -n
root        1927    1851  0 13:26 pts/0    00:00:00 grep hv

The only possible issue I can see in the host is

[...]: PS ...> get-vm --- | Get-VMIntegrationService |? Name -like *shadow*  | fl *

VMCheckpointId             : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
VMCheckpointName           :
Enabled                    : True
OperationalStatus          : {Ok, ProtocolMismatch}
PrimaryOperationalStatus   : Ok
PrimaryStatusDescription   : OK
SecondaryOperationalStatus : ProtocolMismatch

Any way to solve without reverting to normal checkpoint?

cn flag
My understanding is Hyper-V Production Checkpoints use the VSS agent within the guest to create a checkpoint. Linux doesn't have VSS, so it is attempting to flush and freeze the file system. A 80004005 is a generic access denied that doesn't provide much information. Does running fsfreeze work on the guest?
cn flag
"ProtocolMismatch" - that would indicate a version issue possibly? Can it be your Hyper-V is just way outdated? You are 2 major releases (2019, 2022) behind. And the integration software did change - it may simply be that either you need a more modern Hyper-V OR... that the "integration Services" need updating. Should be a package. Did you consult - in particular the notes there.
unlikely avatar
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@GregAskew there is a vss daemon (`/usr/sbin/hv_vss_daemon`) packaged in debian 11 and appear to be running
unlikely avatar
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@TomTom yes, I had a look at that page and Windows Server 2016 seems supported and with debian 11 guests. About the ProtocolMismatch I read elsewhere about another integration service that if the primary status it's ok, the secondary status can be ignored. Not sure if this apply also to vss integration service.
cn flag
@unlikely Well, it may well be something that in theory can be ignored - but it may well mean an outdated version of the installed package and that may have a fixed bug. Check your package versions.
unlikely avatar
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@TomTom hyper v 2016 core host and hyper v tools under debian 11 are both up to date
cn flag
I tested this with a vanilla setup of Debian 11 and Ubuntu 2004 so it's probably something specific to the configuration/capacity of your host or guest.
unlikely avatar
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@GregAskew not sure what do you mean but I installed Debian 11.5 from official DVD and at the end I found the hv daemons listed. Btw, as of the link Debian include hv tools since version 8 .
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